Order, settle and deliver directly with Whatsapp!  
經線上落單,FPS轉賬及安排物流. 方便快捷. 請即查詢!



Wo Lee Green Solutions Limited is recognised as Hong Kong Green Organisation.

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好心情@健康工作間大獎(企業 / 機構組)-良好機構大奬
聽覺保護大獎 - 嘉許證

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June 6, 2024

Water Department site visit Wo Lee's Warehouse

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May 8, 2024

2024 International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva "Gold Medal"


With the assistance of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Wo Lee has developed an "autonomous multi-point positioning technology for medium and high-strength steel welding" for Wo Lee's portable welding robot. This technology won a gold medal at the 2024 International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva.

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May 8, 2024

ATAL Wo Lee DfMA center in Zhuhai

模塊裝配 DfMA 直被大眾所關注,鑒於市場的需求持續增長,我們與安樂工程公司今年在珠海增設了一個新廠房。

地址:中國珠海市高欄港經濟區南水鎮世德路451號 (葆岡珠海廠房內)

我們很高興!安樂和利模塊裝配中心(珠海)的第一個大型項目「加路連山商業發展」的業主希慎及華懋,顧問公司WSP, 及總承建商協興建築蒞臨參觀(珠海)廠房及指導。

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March 13, 2024

Mr. Leung Video Production - EP4

元朗開左間五金 Apple Store?
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January 17, 2024

Mr. Leung Video Production - EP3


希望幫到大家喺選購鍍鋅板嘅時候能夠知多啲 👍🏻

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December 20, 2023
生產力局 X TVB 有關和利集團之新型工業《香港有工業》節目重温

HKPC x TVB 《香港有工業》News Roundup

生產力局聯同無綫電視(TVB)推出特備節目《香港有工業》,帶大家睇吓生產力局點樣運用科技解決行業痛點,以貼地方案同行動加快形成新質生產力,推進新型工業化,見證香港真係有工業。 一連五集嘅《香港有工業》,每一集都會搵嚟札根香港市場、同我哋生產力局緊密合作嘅工業家接受訪問
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December 13, 2023

Mr. Leung Video Production - EP2



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HKGBC e-newsletter


Wo Lee’s Green Steel and Offsite Welding - Revolutionising the Construction Industry


Green Steel: Reducing Carbon Footprint


Fabrication Innovation: Reducing Wastage

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Mr. Leung Video Production - EP1



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September 1, 2023
和利簽署為 「ESG 約章行動」成員

ESG Pledge Scheme

環境保護 Environmental

社會責任 Social

企業管治表現 Governance

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August 22, 2023
和利簽署為 BEC商界環保協會_零碳約章成員

BEC (Business Environment Council) NET-ZERO CARBON CHARTER

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August 12, 2023

HKICM (Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers) site visit Wo Lee's Warehouse

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August 8, 2023

BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards

環保傑出伙伴 Eco Partner

低碳承諾 Low-Carbon Commitment

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May 23, 2023

Wo Lee Sponsor Home for Homeless Dog



事源於 收容超過100隻浪浪的 傻媽流浪貓狗之家 在去年2022年5月被迫遷,事件早前經電視節目(東張西望)播出及各方有心人士在網上號召後,最終獲發展商借出位於打鼓嶺恐龍坑3萬呎的農地作收容所新址。再由議員劉國勳、註册小型工程承建商等一班有心人合力協助,有關項目才能夠在短短半年完工並於2023年5月進行搬遷。

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May 23, 2023
和利參加為世界節能減排“綠色” Wo Lee participates in BEC Saving Energy and Building “Green” for the World

BEC News


Wo Lee participates in BEC Saving Energy and Building “Green” for the World


Wo Lee is a steel supplier and fabricator being able to supply high-strength and low-carbon-footprint steel.  Its automated welding robots and offsite fabrication capabilities can reduce construction waste and speed up installation time on-site.

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January 10, 2023
Wo Lee Caring Company 2022/23

關愛 5 Year Plus Caring Company Logo

關懷社區 Caring for the Community

關懷員工 Caring for the Employees

關懷環境 Caring for the Environment

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May 23, 2023
前海和利達(深圳)8周年庆 Wo Lee Shenzhen 8th year celebration


Wo Lee Mainland Business processing services:

- Fabrication Services

- Steel Traceability EN & GB Standard Steel

- Located in Greater Bay Area.

- Only 1 Hour connected to Sha Tau Kok and Ping Che Warehouse

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April 25, 2023
和利龍門式機械操作比賽2023 Wo Lee Gantry Crane Competition 2023



In order to improve professional skills and operators' safety awareness, cognition and technical standards for actual safe operation, Wo Lee Group held a gantry crane competition to raise the importance of each operator's attention to work safety.

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November 20, 2022
2022 公益金新界區百萬行_將軍澳跨灣連接路

The Community Chest New Territories Walk for Millions 2022 Cross Bay Link Tseung Kwan O


Wo Lee Group actively participates in various fund raising activities organized by the Community Chest of Hong Kong and local charities.


100% of the funds raised through the Walk programme this year will be designated to support 24 member agencies in providing “Family and Child Welfare Services” to maintain and strengthen family bonding, to encourage mutual support relationship among family members; to help them prevent and cope with individual or family problems; as well as to provide services for their unmet needs.  Please enrol now and help make a difference to the lives of those in need.

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May 22, 2023
和利領取最佳酷熱天氣下職安健計劃-金獎 Wo Lee receives Gold Award for saftey in heat stroke competition.


Thesafety and health policy formulated by Wo Lee Capital Holdings Limited putsworkers safety and health first; promising to comply with laws as the basicstandard.

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June 2, 2017
Wo Lee Plus Opening Ceremony 2017

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February 2, 2015
Technical Seminar – Members of The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC), Sponsored by Wo Lee Steel Company Limited

Wo Lee Steel Company Limited was honored to sponsor the Seminar on Siphonic Drainage Systems to be held by the Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC). Members of the Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC) and our Prestige Customers took part in the Information Exchange.

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February 22, 2015
Technical Seminar – Members of The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC), Sponsored by Wo Lee Steel Company Limited

Wo Lee Steel Company Limited was honored to sponsor the Seminar on High Performance Steel Materials to be held by the Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC). Members of the Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction (HKISC) and our Prestige Customers took part in the Information Exchange.

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Wo Lee Steel Co. Ltd..
All rights reserved.