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Our Business

Steel Supply
All grades including 690 High Strength.

about us

With over 60 years of history, Wo Lee Group is dedicated to providing best service and providing customers with one-stop service for steel products and solutions.


PROJECT References

Original Site of Yeung Yiu Kee, the Meeting Place of the ‘Four Great Outlaws
CUHK Medical Centre
Hong Kong International Airport Duty Zero Shop Steel Frame
West Kowloon Cultural District – M+

latest news

June 6, 2024

Water Department site visit Wo Lee's Warehouse

More Info Here
Water Department site visit Wo Lee's Warehouse
May 8, 2024

ATAL Wo Lee DfMA center in Zhuhai

模塊裝配 DfMA 直被大眾所關注,鑒於市場的需求持續增長,我們與安樂工程公司今年在珠海增設了一個新廠房。

地址:中國珠海市高欄港經濟區南水鎮世德路451號 (葆岡珠海廠房內)

我們很高興!安樂和利模塊裝配中心(珠海)的第一個大型項目「加路連山商業發展」的業主希慎及華懋,顧問公司WSP, 及總承建商協興建築蒞臨參觀(珠海)廠房及指導。

More Info Here
ATAL Wo Lee DfMA center in Zhuhai
May 8, 2024

2024 International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva "Gold Medal"


With the assistance of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Wo Lee has developed an "autonomous multi-point positioning technology for medium and high-strength steel welding" for Wo Lee's portable welding robot. This technology won a gold medal at the 2024 International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva.

More Info Here
2024 International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva "Gold Medal"
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Wo Lee Steel Co. Ltd..
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